Monday 6 August 2018

July 2018- Feeling Stuck...

The first day in a while that I found the time and space to write and I was scared. It was exactly as I’d hoped it wouldn’t be, a struggle. Trying to carry on from where I left off, and sitting in the sunshine , all good apart from except the inability to put anything apart from a few sentences to paper. Have I left it too long? Will my story come back to me? I really hope so. And despite writing more than I expected that day, that feeling that it’s rubbish doesn’t leave, making it all feel like a waste of time. I’m sure its not and I will feel differently when I’m in a better frame of mind and re-read it. The frustrations of writing! I wonder if they ever leave you, probably not. I know what I need to be working on but I’ve been struggling a bit to write, my head is too jumbled and full, and I’m hoping that a holiday will give e the chance I need to revitalise both my writing and refocus at work, but we shall see. ( As I write this, I’m a few days late and already back from hols, but will save an update until the end of August…)

Although it feels like I’ve been writing this story for a long time, it’s only now that I’m starting to feel it all weaving together and be the story that I want to tell. Okay, so it’s changed a lot since I began those few years ago, but its only now that’s it’s starting to make sense, to fit, and I’m excited to bring it all together. I can’t pinpoint when it shifted as such, but maybe the ever so slightly small step back recently was a good thing. We shall see!

Looking back on my log, its comforting to see that, as always, I’ve actually achieved more than I think, and it does make the darker days a little easier to bear, as long as I keep reminding myself of the fact. And actually I’ve managed to scribble quite a reasonable amount, building my characters stories and learning more about them as I put pen to paper. And I’ve managed some typing too, so each time things are moving forwards. Thinking time counts too, the chance to really immerse yourself in your characters, setting and the stories that surround them. I don’t know what the holiday will bring, maybe the odd scribble. But I’m not expecting much, I’m going on holiday at the end of the day. But it will be an opportunity to relax and think, read and then see what happens. 
And there have been other bits of writing done too. Scribbles for other story ideas. My mind becomes a jumble of ideas, inspired by the people around me as I try to write. It’s certainly interesting when these ideas and thoughts pop up just from people you look at or something you hear. And who knows where those thoughts will take me, I look forward to finding out at some point! And columns still need to be written, so other ideas need to be explored, and submitted. That’s the thing. I may get annoyed and frustrated when my work in progress isn’t going the way I want it to or at all in some cases. But all writing is good and useful, whatever it may be.

‘Writing is about claiming ownership of yourself in order to become the person you know you can be...A novel is making your mark on the world’

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