Monday, 10 November 2014

Week 5- Day 21

'Keep calm, and imagine'

That's all it can take in order to get the creativity flowing. Unfortunately its not always something that we can realistically do, and I'm sure published authors/ writers will tell you the same. Life keeps getting in the way. But oh how lovely it would be if it didn't! To shut your eyes and let your mind be transported to a completely different place, where stories and thoughts can come alive. It's definitely a place that I need to visit more often.

'Create something lasting that you're proud of '

An aim for every aspiring writer and something I am still working towards. Of course I am proud of the poems and short stories that I've already finished (two published in the anthology) and the positive comments received from those people that have already read them, but I would now like to complete a longer project, so need to be carrying on with my latest story! Despite having work to do and being busier at work, therefore not having as much time as I did before, I'm feeling positive and already looking forward to spending more time later to look at things, make plans and carry on writing where I've left off, hopefully without any real distractions. It's rare to have the time on my own where I don't have anything else to do, so looking forward to making the most of it!

'Write because its a chance to remind people of just how miraculous and amazing ordinary things are'- Frank Cotterell Boyce

'Keep calm, and carry a pen and notebook'

The two things I would be lost without, and are in my bag wherever I go! Some days nothing gets written and other, I keep having to open and scribble. I have three notebooks in my bag for ideas , quotes and starting stories, another for writing my blog and column pieces ( as well as notes from any useful books) and another by my bed, just in case. You can never have too many, as you cannot predict when you will need them! The challenge is all about turning those scribbles into something that others will want to read....

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