' Don't be paralysed by the idea that you're writing a book, just write'- Isabelle Allende
' A grand adventure is about to begin'- Winnie the Pooh
' Books bring you on a journey of the imagination which heighten all your senses'
' Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be'- Sonia Ricotti
Already feeling much better today than yesterday, so that's a good start! Reading last night did indeed provide me with some notes and ideas, different angles that I can incorporate into my story, so have lots to start thinking about. So although I didn't feel I had a good day overall, it certainly ended on a more positive note, Also scribbled an idea for a poem, hadn't done that for a while either.
Have been out all morning at a meeting, but has been a positive experience, feeling a part of something, that I am contributing in some way to. And although being busy ( that is what work should be) has meant that I haven't had the time to even scribble things over the morning, I do feel much more positive overall though, meaning that I then function better, both with work and in my writing. Although attempting to squash in all that I want to do myself into my lunch break, I still feel that at the end of the day, I will have achieved more. Plus, another evening in tonight, for a change, so the ideal opportunity to make the most of it, hopefully!
A constructive hour, impressed with what I managed to fit in! More story done, using notes made last night, and blog also done, not bad for a short space of time- hopefully tonight will be just as constructive!
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