Friday, 21 November 2014

Day 30- end of week 6!

' I can write my book. I should write my book. I will write my book'

I don't know what other writers find the easiest way to write, but for me, I have to start everything by hand, and usually in pencil too, just in case! If I was to ask published authors, I would probably find that I am a little old fashioned in my methods, and that most people type straight away, or use an electronic devise of some description for making notes/ jotting down ideas. Saying that, whenever I have been to Writers Group or an event as part of a literary festival, quite a few people are sitting there with a notebook, pen poised! I don't know what it is about pen and paper, but I just find my words flow easier, plus I write quicker and better by hand, than I type (I swear I have dyslexic fingers!). Hence carrying more than one notebook around with me, all full of different things, and ready for when ideas pop into my head, plus I do have a bit of a love of all things stationary...

Had the new rota for the Write Away column yesterday and I'm not down for the week that I'd worked out (more people now added to the rota) so have now abandoned the piece I'd started and been trying to think of a few new ideas that would fit around / be relevant to my publish date. Something else to get started on and keep me on my toes!

Having that type of day today where I'm not in the mood for doing any work, but not unhappy, just distracted. Think it's a Friday thing! I've attempted to do some work, but just want to write and chat! So now I suppose I had better attempt to re-focus and at least start working, even just for a little while...

' It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop' - Confucius

'I am the Master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul'- Invictus

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