'It starts with a scribble...'
' We all have a story to tell'
' A writer is simply a photographer of thoughts'- Brendan A. Trean
Another disappointing evening in terms of writing as jobs once again took over. But again, read my book and made notes as I went along. I'm finding that lunchtimes seem to be the best time for me to refocus and get things done, whilst at work, rather than in the evenings. Even if I try and make the time, I find I sometimes just need to relax and can be too tired to find the inspiration that I need. I just need to stop making excuses really and get on with it!
'Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery'- Henry Miller
It certainly has been for me so far. Since I started thinking that I wanted to do more and discovered how much I loved to write, its been a rollercoaster. When I was just scribbling the odd poem and ideas, it didn't seem to matter if I didn't write some days, and that was even the case after doing the university module and online fiction course. But over the last six weeks or so, from deciding to start my blog really, I have felt this strong desire to need to write something everyday, and not just the blog. Maybe that's a small sign that I'm actually starting to feel like a 'real' writer, who knows? I just know that I have all these ideas and want to get them down on paper, and I end up feeling guilty when I don't do that! It's not always that I can't, but sometimes that I just don't have the time,
I think I'm just going to have to be content with what I can physically achieve in a day and accept that life and reality can get in the way of even the best laid plans. I'm only human, and until the day comes (maybe) where I can say that I write for a living, this is how things will be. So for now, its off to find my little space to sit and write, and make the most of it.
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