Friday, 28 November 2014

Day 35- goodbye for a short while...

Having looked at the number of people actually taking the time to read my blog and also the amount of time its taking me to decide what to write, I've come to a decision in that I will change to just writing once a month. Its not really that I care about the numbers, more about what I'm saying. The last thing I want to do is bore people! I also think I'll have more to say and share. That's not to say that I won't still be writing everyday, I have more than enough to keep me busy! Thank you to all those who have enjoyed the blog so far and I will see you again in a month!

' What is the best way to write? Each of us has to discover her own way of writing. Writing teaches writing. No-one can tell you your own secrets'- Gail Sher

' You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen or because writing will mend something broken inside you or bring something back to life'- Joanne Harris

' Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self' Cyril Connolly

' Get inspired and write a book'

That is what I will now attempt to do, and look forward to sharing my progress with you in a few weeks.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Day 34

'Writing makes me happy'

'We write by the light of every story we have ever read'- Richard Peck

'Books: Enter the unknown and discover something amazing'

Research is all part of the writing process, and I've spent more time recently trying to find out more information and inspiration to make sure that my story is right. Sometimes it's that research that then sparks the next sentence or paragraph, so all very useful, even if you don't realise it. I have so many ideas of different parts of my story now, its just trying to decide how to put it all into words that make sense and fit in with what I've already written. Discovering all these things and where it will take the story is, for me, one of the most exciting parts of putting a story together. However your idea starts, there will always be areas to look at and expand upon.

Work and free time is getting busier and quickly filling up, allowing less and less time to really focus on where my story is going (maybe I have my priorities all wrong?). I'm making the most out of my lunch breaks to try and keep writing, but looking forward to the Christmas break when I have the time to see the story as a whole, try and fit in all the different parts I have written. Have another article that I need to start planning too, so lots to keep busy with, as long as I stay happy too!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Day 33

'It starts with a scribble...'

' We all have a story to tell'

' A writer is simply a photographer of thoughts'- Brendan A. Trean

Another disappointing evening in terms of writing as jobs once again took over. But again, read my book and made notes as I went along. I'm finding that lunchtimes seem to be the best time for me to refocus and get things done, whilst at work, rather than in the evenings. Even if I try and make the time, I find I sometimes just need to relax and can be too tired to find the inspiration that I need. I just need to stop making excuses really and get on with it!

'Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery'- Henry Miller

It certainly has been for me so far. Since I started thinking that I wanted to do more and discovered how much I loved to write, its been a rollercoaster.  When I was just scribbling the odd poem and ideas, it didn't seem to matter if I didn't write some days, and that was even the case after doing the university module and online fiction course. But over the last six weeks or so, from deciding to start my blog really, I have felt this strong desire to need to write something everyday, and not just the blog. Maybe that's a small sign that I'm actually starting to feel like a 'real' writer, who knows? I just know that I have all these ideas and want to get them down on paper, and I end up feeling guilty when I don't do that! It's not always that I can't, but sometimes that I just don't have the time,

I think I'm just going to have to be content with what I can physically achieve in a day and accept that life and reality can get in the way of even the best laid plans. I'm only human, and until the day comes (maybe) where I can say that I write for a living, this is how things will be. So for now, its off to find my little space to sit and write, and make the most of it.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Day 32

' Don't be paralysed by the idea that you're writing a book, just write'- Isabelle Allende

' A grand adventure is about to begin'- Winnie the Pooh

' Books bring you on a journey of the imagination which heighten all your senses'

' Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be'- Sonia Ricotti

Already feeling much better today than yesterday, so that's a good start! Reading last night did indeed provide me with some notes and ideas, different angles that I can incorporate into my story, so have lots to start thinking about. So although I didn't feel I had a good day overall, it certainly ended on a more positive note, Also scribbled an idea for a poem, hadn't done that for a while either.

Have been out all morning at a meeting, but has been a positive experience, feeling a part of something, that I am contributing in some way to. And although being busy ( that is what work should be) has meant that I haven't had the time to even scribble things over the morning, I  do feel much more positive overall though, meaning that I then function better, both with work and in my writing. Although attempting to squash in all that I want to do myself into my lunch break, I still feel that at the end of the day, I will have achieved more. Plus, another evening in tonight, for a change, so the ideal opportunity to make the most of it, hopefully!

A constructive hour, impressed with what I managed to fit in! More story done, using notes made last night, and blog also done, not bad for a short space of time- hopefully tonight will be just as constructive!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Week 7- day 31!

'Write your first draft with your heart. Rewrite with your head'- Finding Forrester

' The greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the inner music the words make'- Truman Capote

' Write the kind of story you would like to read' Meg Cabot

' Starting a novel is opening a door on a misty landscape; you can still see very little, but you can smell the earth and feel the wind blowing'- Iris Murdoch

It's been a long weekend of singing and rehearsing but the concert is now done and I felt very proud of what we achieved as a choir. Now onto the next thing... As the weekend was so busy, I've had little time (or energy) to sit down and do any writing, so looking forward to seeing what this week brings, starting today!

Despite all my wonderful and inspiring quotes, not a great start to the week, so feeling a little downhearted. I was very distracted first thing this morning, trying to get some things sorted out, so didn't even really have time to work on the blog for today (otherwise I wouldn't have done any work at all), I had great plans for when I got home, but again, got caught up in things and feeling tired after the weekend, so sadly those plans did not materialise tonight, and no real enthusiasm either. I will instead, have to content myself with just a bit of research (reading another novel and a book about the area), in the hope that some positive notes and ideas come out of them. I can then start again tomorrow, feeling a bit more refreshed and with hopefully time to myself, with nothing else to worry over!

I could beat myself up over the lack of writing today, but that won't help anything. I had a really positive week last week, so will focus on that to build myself back up. Life has well and truly taken over today and I've not made any space for anything else. Still it's only Monday....

Friday, 21 November 2014

Day 30- end of week 6!

' I can write my book. I should write my book. I will write my book'

I don't know what other writers find the easiest way to write, but for me, I have to start everything by hand, and usually in pencil too, just in case! If I was to ask published authors, I would probably find that I am a little old fashioned in my methods, and that most people type straight away, or use an electronic devise of some description for making notes/ jotting down ideas. Saying that, whenever I have been to Writers Group or an event as part of a literary festival, quite a few people are sitting there with a notebook, pen poised! I don't know what it is about pen and paper, but I just find my words flow easier, plus I write quicker and better by hand, than I type (I swear I have dyslexic fingers!). Hence carrying more than one notebook around with me, all full of different things, and ready for when ideas pop into my head, plus I do have a bit of a love of all things stationary...

Had the new rota for the Write Away column yesterday and I'm not down for the week that I'd worked out (more people now added to the rota) so have now abandoned the piece I'd started and been trying to think of a few new ideas that would fit around / be relevant to my publish date. Something else to get started on and keep me on my toes!

Having that type of day today where I'm not in the mood for doing any work, but not unhappy, just distracted. Think it's a Friday thing! I've attempted to do some work, but just want to write and chat! So now I suppose I had better attempt to re-focus and at least start working, even just for a little while...

' It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop' - Confucius

'I am the Master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul'- Invictus

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Day 29

' My head is a hive of words that won't settle'- Virginia Woolf

' The first draft is just you telling yourself the story'- Terry Pratchett

'Stay motivated. Focus on progress, not perfection.'

I feel proud of what I've achieved so far this week in my writing. Still a long way to go I think, until the first draft is finished, but at least on the way, and hopefully heading in the right direction. The feedback from Writers Group was just what I needed to spark some new thoughts and ideas and to spur me to carry on with it. Who knows whether it will be a short story, as I originally intended, or maybe a novel (as someone suggested), we will see! Apart from doing some more detailed research, which has proved to be very useful, as well important for getting the small details right, I'm also planning on trying to read some novels of a similar genre and topic and/or set in the same kind of location, in order to glean more tips. I don't want to copy someone else's work, obviously, but think it's also important  to read other work to influence your own, as well as bringing out your own voice. Like I've said before, there's no copyright on ideas, and each person will put their own take on an idea in order to bring it to life.

' First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written.'

I spent more time today working on my story and it always amazes me, as I start to write, where the story goes. I'm not always sure when I start what I want to say, but the words just seem to flow as soon as I put pen to paper, it's exciting!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Day 28

'There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they'll take you'- Beatrix Potter

Quite a positive evening last night at Writers Group. I read some of my story and received some lovely and positive feedback, as well as some new thoughts and ideas of where the story could go, so excited to carry on and see what happens. I was initially worried about reading it out, when it's only a first draft and nowhere near finished, but in the end, it turned out to be a good idea and gave me the extra enthusiasm I needed.  Another positive was seeing my column printed in the paper. It's spurred me on to finish the article I've started, ready for when the next one is due. Just really enjoying discovering my writing at the moment, long may it continue!

'If you are a writer, or want to be a writer, this is how you spend your days... listening, observing, storing things away, making your isolation pay off. You take home all you've taken in, all that you've overheard, and turn it into gold (or at least you try).'- Anne Lamott

Nice to know that I am at least trying to do what I should be doing! Unfortunately I can't spend all day on it (as much as I would love to), but certainly making the best  out of the time I have. I will also try and open my mind a bit more, even when I'm busy with other things, like singing or work, they say inspiration can come at anytime!

'The only writer to whom you should compare yourself is the writer you were yesterday'- David B. Schlosser

' You are confined only by the walls you build yourself'

' Simple stuff works'

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Day 27

'There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly, sometimes its like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges' -Ernest Hemingway

A constructive evening last night of more writing on the story, with still so much to discover and ideas to get down. I'm excited to see where it goes. Because I felt so positive and that I'd achieved what I wanted, I went to the extra choir practice that had been put on (I wasn't going to go if I hadn't done what I felt I needed to do) and went over a piece we were struggling on, which went well overall, so the positive vibe has carried on, thankfully!
Already this morning I can feel the enthusiasm bubbling under the surface, raring to get going on more writing. I just hope that the morning of work doesn't dampen it to much, that I feel just as excited to carry on when lunchtime comes and I actually get the chance to do what I want.

' Be positive, be patient, be persistent.'

A good mantra to remember, especially when you feel that everything else is getting in the way of your writing. It was a hard morning and I was unsure whether I would have the energy to separate myself from work. But just by making sure I got some fresh air and a change of scenery, I have managed to glean back some of my enthusiasm from earlier. And it's just what I needed to make me feel better. Whatever happens, work or personal wise, I need to turn it around to my advantage, and use it in my writing.

Look at the blank pages before you with courage'

Starting a new story or project can be a daunting experience, especially when all that stares back at you is a haze of white. But once you let your pen touch the paper, the words will flow and you won't even realise that you had so much to say. I'm not even bothered (in some way) if no-one reads my blog everyday, as long as I have said what I wanted and achieved my own goal of writing everyday. If I can inspire someone else with my words in the future, then that's an added bonus! Now to get back to the story....

' I write to find out what I didn't know I knew'- Robert Frost

Monday, 17 November 2014

Day 26- Week 6!

Feeling very positive after the weekend and just hope the enthusiasm stays with me! Had an amazing day in Brighton on Saturday, lots to take in and do. Although no inspiration/ scribbling as such whilst we were there, took quite a few photos so always something to look back on. Achieved what I went there to do too, so came away feeling very positive (as well as tired). The enthusiasm continued into Sunday and once the jobs were out the way, set aside some time to write. I started by typing up my story, and in doing so, sparked the excitement I first felt when I came up with the idea, resulting in a positive research session, its all part of the process! Feel a little clearer too about where I want to go with it, so all good!

' Write, read, write some more.'

'Taking time to live life will only inspire your work'

' Its okay to start writing even if you don't have a clear vision of what you are going to write'

' Write: Find a seat. Find a pen. Find your voice'

Done!! I always like to find somewhere to sit at lunchtime in order to separate myself from work and refocus. The enthusiasm has continued (thankfully) into today, so using all the research I did yesterday, as well as the ideas flying round my head, I'm excited to get going. Hopefully the rest of the week will carry on in much the same way....

Another positive for today is that I have an interview for the job that I applied for, so something to work towards at least. Will try tot to get my hopes up too much though as much further to fall otherwise! Will just have to wait and see now, but amazing what a bit of positive thinking does for the mood and creativity!

' Dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true'

Friday, 14 November 2014

Day 25- end of week 5!

' I write only because there is a voice within me that will not still'- Sylvia Plath

' You can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will'- Stephen King

I will use that mantra to spur me on to actually get some writing done over the weekend, as I finally have some time to myself (with nothing planned) and I can't wait. I've spent a lot of time recently being very distracted, both work wise and writing wise so don't feel I've got much done over all. I always seem to have an excuse (I'm only human after all) and write on here how I'm going to do things, so time to stop talking and start doing!! I think I will feel much better overall if I was more focused at work, and then I could really utilise the time I have to myself.

'I find that I write the best .... when I'm supposed to be doing something else'

I've been spending work time on Pinterest, collecting ideas, quotes and using them to start off each blog , but then scribbling and typing up the blog each day, also during work time, which then makes me feel guilty at the end of the day. I know that if I was completely enjoying my role, I would probably be less distracted ( well, I would at least hope!). Until that day comes where I get to write full time and get paid for it (I can keep dreaming) I almost need to get my head out if the clouds a bit and change my way of thinking. If I'm being negative, then things don't tend to happen, and the same goes for my writing. I have wondered if doing the blog on a daily basis is too much- I'm focusing on getting that done and leave no time for anything else- and sometimes I don't feel that I have much to say. Another option is to share my rambling thoughts some days, and on others, look at doing reviews of books/ sharing pieces of writing in order to vary things- think I'm almost starting to bore myself a bit and that's the trouble, if that happens, writing will become a chore and not something I enjoy doing. So I will experiment for a bit and see what happens!

Off to Brighton for the day tomorrow, so hoping that brings lots of inspiration, as long as I let it flow! Looking forward to taking some proper time out on Sunday to really look at things and see where they take me. The Christmas holidays are not too far away now, and with the university being shut for a few days, the ideal opportunity to really get my teeth into things, free my mind. Life's too short to keep making excuses!

'A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper'

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Day 24

'Keep a notebook. If only for the sake of getting out of your own head'

Sometimes I feel like I have too much going round in my mind, causing my head to hurt, like its too full. But then it's a struggle to get down everything in some kind of order, that makes sense. I suppose the fun is coming back to the scribbles to try and understand what you were thinking at the time, recapture the enthusiasm.

'No-one can stop you from being a writer. All you have to do is write, and keep writing' -Katherine Neville

' Just write everyday of your life. Read intensely. Then see what happens.'- Ray Bradbury

I love this statement!! And it is something I'm definitely trying to follow at the moment. At least by doing my blog each day I'm writing something, but is it at the expense of writing other things? I just wish I had more time, and the space in my mind, to shut out everything else, the general busyness and noise of life and really re-focus. That's what I find the hardest, and then I just hit a wall of blank. No inspiration comes, not even by losing myself in a book, and then the fear creeps in. But I am the only one stopping myself, so I just need to keep writing, and as quoted above, see what happens....

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Day 23

'Every writer I know has trouble with writing'- Joseph Heller

Nice to know you are not alone! On those days when all you can do is stare at what you have started, with no idea what to do next, sometimes you need to take a step back and remember what sparked the idea in the first place. Unless you are a professional writer/author and are used to writing (or having to write) a certain amount of words a day, even just an idea or a line is a start. I would love to be able to know what you have to do to be able to write thousands  of words each day, where all that inspiration comes from, but maybe it ends up just being habit after a while. Something to definitely aspire to!

'You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream'- CS Lewis

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately, especially since work has been frustrating me so much. I recently applied for another position in the hope that it will provide me with the extra challenges and experience that I'm missing in my current role. Just waiting to see if I've been shortlisted now, so keeping my fingers crossed. One day I would love to earn money from doing something that I love (writing!!), but for now I will have to be realistic and wait my turn. But that's not to say that I won't be working hard on things in the meantime. Still struggling to get the balance right and find enough time to do all that I want, especially during the week, the diary is quickly filling up! Hopefully after Christmas, some things will quieten down (outside of work) and I can plan my time more. But for today, I will try and keep my mind open, gaining inspiration where I can ( and fitting in the scribbling in between work) and maybe even a few spare minutes just to read....

'Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are'

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Day 22

'Words have the power to change us' - Cassandra Clare

' The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt' - Sylvia Plath

A constructive evening of research and planning last night. Although I'm keen to carry on with my story, I've reached a point where I'm not sure where I'm going and I'm very much aware that I've already rambled on too much and need to give the story more direction, hence the planning. The next step is to try and edit what I've already done (taking out the parts I know aren't needed) before I carry on, as I don't want to lose where I want the story to go. I'm also struggling to find the same inspiration from when I first thought of the idea, hence trying to do some research, find some visuals to help get me going again. A bit of writing done last night in the end though as carried on with the poem I started last week.

'There is no friend as loyal as a book' - Ernest Hemingway

So true, and what I always turn to. Either to lose myself in, when I'm feeling down as a source of comfort, or as research (or so I keep telling myself), a book can have so many uses. My long term aim would be to at least write one novel, but at the moment I'm building up to that, working on the poems and short stories I've already started. As I've said before, I'm not even sure I have a novel in me, but you never know what the future will bring. The more I write, the more confident I will hopefully become. Another poem started today, so good to feel I am at least doing a bit of writing (apart from the blog), small steps...

Spent most of my lunch break lost in my book, so much so, that I managed to finish it! I love it when you can do that with a story. But not going to feel too guilty, after all, it is only be reading lots that we truly learn how to write....

' Books build a stairway to your imagination'

Monday, 10 November 2014

Week 5- Day 21

'Keep calm, and imagine'

That's all it can take in order to get the creativity flowing. Unfortunately its not always something that we can realistically do, and I'm sure published authors/ writers will tell you the same. Life keeps getting in the way. But oh how lovely it would be if it didn't! To shut your eyes and let your mind be transported to a completely different place, where stories and thoughts can come alive. It's definitely a place that I need to visit more often.

'Create something lasting that you're proud of '

An aim for every aspiring writer and something I am still working towards. Of course I am proud of the poems and short stories that I've already finished (two published in the anthology) and the positive comments received from those people that have already read them, but I would now like to complete a longer project, so need to be carrying on with my latest story! Despite having work to do and being busier at work, therefore not having as much time as I did before, I'm feeling positive and already looking forward to spending more time later to look at things, make plans and carry on writing where I've left off, hopefully without any real distractions. It's rare to have the time on my own where I don't have anything else to do, so looking forward to making the most of it!

'Write because its a chance to remind people of just how miraculous and amazing ordinary things are'- Frank Cotterell Boyce

'Keep calm, and carry a pen and notebook'

The two things I would be lost without, and are in my bag wherever I go! Some days nothing gets written and other, I keep having to open and scribble. I have three notebooks in my bag for ideas , quotes and starting stories, another for writing my blog and column pieces ( as well as notes from any useful books) and another by my bed, just in case. You can never have too many, as you cannot predict when you will need them! The challenge is all about turning those scribbles into something that others will want to read....

Friday, 7 November 2014

End of week 4!

'You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have'- Maya Angelou

' If it's still in your mind, it is worth taking the risk'

The day did end on a (mostly) positive note yesterday, and again, that has carried on into today. Work has picked up a bit which helps, but still taking a bit of time to get going first thing in the morning once I'm in the office.

The inspiration did start flowing when I got up (much like yesterday) and had an idea for my next column piece (based on when I think it will be published) so started to scribble a bit of that whilst it was still in my mind. Trouble is, that then meant we left a few minutes later than planned and the traffic being as bad as it is at the moment, made us a bit late for work! Still, I got here and am doing what I'm paid for. Unfortunately,by the time I get to work, the inspiration has dried up a bit and I have my 'work' head on.

'Take time to do what makes your soul happy'

I know that's writing for me. I'm happiest when the creativity is flowing and I'm lost in my imagination.(same goes for reading a book) The  feeling when you've created a piece of writing is amazing, even if its just for yourself, rather than a deadline/ competition for someone else to read. I suppose that I try and read quite a few of my poems (and short stories, when I've finished them) at Writers group, so I still have an audience. The feedback I receive is always constructive and positive, spurring me on to do more.... So will see what the weekend brings, making sure I have time to both read and write, to escape to a literary world.....

'When I've had too much reality, I open a book...'

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Day 19

How different a new day can be. Unfortunately the day didn't end in the positive way it had begun and that tension seems to have carried over to today. I just seem to keep letting stupid little things get to me and then I get wound up.

'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain'

And that's what I've been trying to do as the day has progressed. I've kept myself busy with work and its nice to actually have things to do after the last couple of weeks. Have to say I was really starting to struggle. I'm wondering if that's what was causing my headaches as certainly hasn't been as bad over the last couple of days, so wondering if I was stressing about the lack of work and motivation without realising. I hope so and that things now start to improve in my mind. Taking some time out to just sit and be at one with myself has also helped, to clear and calm things.

Despite the funny mood first thing this morning, I did manage to start a poem! I'm not sure where it will go next (only 1 verse done so far) but it felt good to start something new, I haven't done that for a while. I've come to the conclusion that there is never a right time to sit and write, you have to fit in where you can, and when the mood and inspiration takes you (if like me, the rest of the time is taken up with the reality of the every day). And that's not necessarily when its right for you (lunchtime for me, when I can put time aside). But on the other hand, I want to make sure that it isn't the case where I don't have any time at all to be creative and separate myself from the every day.

'Write for yourself, keep your writing true'

'I'm just going to write because I cannot help it'- Charlotte Bronte

' The desire to write grows with writing'

I may have started the day feeling negative, but I hope to end it feeling much more positive and ready for whatever is thrown at me. Amazing what a bit of focus and fresh air can do (and maybe a cup of coffee)!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Day 18

'Its amazing what you can become if you just get out of your own way'

I'm loving using Pinterest!! Its full of amazing quotes and helpful tips and in general, just help to get me going,but getting very pin happy at the moment! Still, a wonderful way to share ideas and find new things, I think I'm starting to become a little obsessed!

Had a lovely evening last night at the launch of our new Writers Group Anthology. I finally have my own printed copy and to see my name in black and white, it was quite a special moment. I felt proud to be amongst the other members of our group/ contributors and feel I had done something good, towards  remembering those who have gone before us. All my close family and two special friends were able to be there to support both my sister and I, and I'm so grateful for that. Although, I don't think they'll ever know how much. If it hadn't been for my sister, I would have never joined the writer's group, so she has a lot to answer for! Along the whole journey so far as a writer, I wouldn't have succeeded if it hadn't  been for the support of my family and friends, and that's the most important thing when you're starting out, on any new venture.

Today has been spent in a meeting (all day) so no time to do any writing at all, but back to feeling I at least have a purpose at work (struggling the last couple of weeks), and have contributed to something important. So a positive overall, so generally inspired! Will definitely be making more time to fit it all in tomorrow though....

' A little magic can take you a long way' Roald Dahl

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Day 17

A bit disappointed with myself last night as didn't achieve all that I planned, but today is a new day so we'll see what happens. That's the trouble with me, I beat myself up if I don't feel I've done enough. I spent the evening looking through past copies of the local paper for ideas for column articles. Not much jumped out particularly, but already have a few ideas, just need to make something out of them, get a few pieces prepared for future columns. I did something constructive, just not completely what I wanted, but I have no deadlines for my own stories so not sure why I always feel so guilty! Nothing will come if I force it too much and I need to take a step back and remember that now and again. Just get things down as I think of them and make sense out of it all afterwards!
I've spent the last few weeks (during lunch breaks) reading a creative writing guide, but now I think I need to spend the time putting what I've learnt into practice and just get writing! Apart from my blog, which I do on a daily basis during the week, and the first column piece, I haven't really written much lately. I've done a bit of my latest story, but not as much as I would have liked, and can't remember the last time I wrote a poem. The ideas keep coming, but I have yet to sort through and create anything with them. Time to stop make excuses and WRITE!
Life gets in the way, with work and hobbies (choir in particular), but I'm attempting to try and keep things balanced so I get enough time (even if its only a short amount) to get everything done that I want, but have to realise, that sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day!

' Don't make nothing of what you've achieved'

'Keep putting words on the page'- Anne Enright

' You can make anything by writing'- CS Lewis

Monday, 3 November 2014

Week 4- Day 16

'Write down who you were, who you are and what you want to remember'- Natalie Goldberg

A great starting point for the day, especially when I'm feeling a little brain dead and things are taking a while to wake up and get going. The trouble is that I have too much floating around in my head, but have yet to make sense of it all. I know I just want to get on and write, but not sure where to start, story of my life really!

' A real writer doesn't want to write, a real writer has to write'

'Never apologise for how much you love to write'

'Think, Write, Create.'

'There is no wrong or right, just write.'

'Writing is a way of life. It's not just something I do, it's who I am.'

I have so many things that I've started and not finished. I know it doesn't matter if you keep starting new things, so long as you are writing, but still get that feeling telling me to go back and see where I can take them, and that's what's going round in my head today. I'm wondering if I need to look over what I've done so far and write some kind of plan/ outline of where I want the story to go. I have a tendency to just sit and write whatever comes into my head, which isn't a bad thing, but also means I overwrite and feel I'm going away from what I want to say. I feel my stories  would be much better if I laid out a clearer plan of where it's going. So that's my next task for today sorted....

'Books turn muggles into wizards'