Friday, 17 October 2014

The end of week 1!

So the end of my first week as a blogger! I started with a lot of thoughts that I wanted to share, so I've noticed that towards the end of the week, I haven't necessarily felt that I've got as much to say, but then again, each day is different and you never know what will come to you. I feel that I have let work take over the last couple of days and my creativity has been suppressed a little, but I just need to get the balance right. I saw a quote the other day and it is so true:

You are a writer already. Today. Now
So start writing the book, the novel, the blog, your life's work.
Today is a good time to start. Now is even better.

I will attempt to make this my mantra of sorts, to push me each day, even when I feel I have nothing to say. I need to keep taking a step back each time from the everyday, shut out work worries and re- focus my mind. The break for lunch today helped me to do just that and I found that ideas kept coming, lines for my story or ideas for poems, from all directions! Even the smallest thing, an idea, a few scribbles, I still consider a contribution to my writing as I never know where it may lead. Another useful quote I read this week kind of reflects this:

'There is no copyright on ideas'

I'm already finding this useful, sentences and ideas from books that I'm reading, I'm interested in what direction they take me (compared to where I found them).

So this week has been really positive and I feel that I have already made changes to my way of thinking. By using my blog as a way of putting my thoughts down, I've noticed things about myself and am trying to ensure that I change how I deal with things on a personal level, using my writing as a calming tool. If this is what deciding to write a blog can do, I don't know why I didn't do it earlier!

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