Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Day 13

I don't really like this time of year, work wise. It's too quiet and I find myself with not much keep me busy. At least I now have my writing to fill in the time, but you do end up feeling guilty when you're getting paid for a job and seemingly just using the time to do your own thing (well I do). It would be so lovely to be able to do what you love each day as some people are lucky enough to do, but for the meantime, for the rest of us, its back to reality and the 'day' job', and trying to find the time to do what we really love in between.
I've spent some time today trying a new kind of writing, rather more emotional than practical. It was suggested to me by a good friend and can be quite useful when emotions take over from your writing. I still have this strange headache ( a week on) and I'm starting to think that some of it's caused by tension( personal) which then affects my whole mood. I've been putting all this frustration into a letter to the person (at this time) who is bothering me, and although it will never be sent, has certainly made be feel slightly better. freeing up my mind to focus on other things. Now to attempt to spend the rest of the day pondering some 'actual' writing, see what happens....

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