Thursday, 30 October 2014

Day 14

'Do, or do not. There is no try' - Yoda

A quote from my favourite Star Wars character. I have registered on Pin Interest today, following a suggestion from a friend, to find lots of thoughts and advice on writing, so a very useful tool to keep an eye on, on a daily basis. But Yoda is right. I constantly feel like I am trying, but I'm either writing or I'm not, there's no middle ground (its called procrastination!). I've been learning that the hard way, inspiration coming in short bursts and not always when I want it to, but you can't force these things either. Despite a fantastic evening  last night of live music and some ideas for articles, nothing seems to be flowing so far today. But the day is not yet over, so I will keep plodding on...

'Write a page a day, only 300 words and in a year, you will have a novel' -Stephen King

Another fantastic quote and something I can at least aspire to, realistically. The hardest part of starting out as a writer is finding your way, your voice, and knowing what to write each day. I'm often scribbling ideas and reading books for inspiration. But I still consider that as 'doing'- it will all contribute to something eventually. I've also given myself a number of projects that I could potentially be working on, depending on where the mood takes me, and in the hope that I can at least do a little bit on one, if not any of the others.

'If a story is in you, it has to come out'- Elizabeth Adeniyi

Taking inspiration from someone else's words and making them your own. That is essentially what all of us as writers are doing. Whether it's from something you've read, heard or seen. Have no fear and believe in the talent you have been given, you never know where it will take you.

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