Wednesday, 28 December 2016

December 2016- Another year ends….

And so we’ve reached the end (almost) of another year, and as is common for most of us, I’m feeling very reflective and looking back over what kind of year it has been and making those resolutions to take forward to the next, see if my worries and goals have changed since January. More often than not, they haven’t. I know it’s silly and may seem irrelevant almost, but for me it’s an important task and I have every good intention to follow each through to try and achieve them, even if it takes longer than 12 months. It is what keeps me focused and helps me to move forward.  I have this constant feeling of doubt that seems to follow me everywhere, like a chain around my neck. It nags away at me, that I’m not good enough, that I can’t achieve even the smallest dream I may have, that I will be stuck this way for ever. Some days I squash it down and rise above it, but some days it can take over and I’m left feeling almost bereft and thoroughly useless. A bit like today really. And I need to push through that, find a good place again. So that’s why I have to have resolutions and small goals. So what if they are the same if not similar to the previous year, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be achieved. It ‘s a small way of proving to myself that I can rise above the doubt and work towards my goals.  Sorry, enough of the cliches, but I feel I needed to share my thoughts, and it’s always at this time of year that I have the capacity to really think and reflect.  And now to share what the last month has brought me.

Well, not as much as I’d originally hoped! At the start of the month I was still continuing to write from where I’d left off before, and I was pleased that the ideas and words were flowing, but started to feel that I was floundering around a little, unclear of where I was headed. See that self doubt again… I feel the time may have come (and I know I keep saying this and I’ve yet to actually complete the task) to try and at least plan a little, and after being nearly half way on the overall word count, a little overdue! I will continue to write as the words come (and that doesn’t seem to have been as often as I would have liked over the last few weeks) but work on trying to see the bigger picture as feel this has been lost in the flurry recently. Maybe a little time away from the novel is what is needed, in order to regroup my thoughts and ideas, just not too long I hope!

The last year has been tough, on a personal level, and when  some things feel unsure, unsteady and I don’t know what to do, the only thing that keeps me going is my writing and books. It’s my place to hide, to be something else, even just for a little while. And that’s why I get so frustrated when it doesn’t happen. December. A month where everything else seems to take over and there never seems to be enough time to write and when there is, my mind is too full of reality. It has been an up and down month in the end, so not quite what I had hoped. Recording the small positives each day has stopped me getting too down about it and also my writing log, even one thing is better than nothing and it has been good to stop and think about new short story ideas in a bid to spark writing inspiration. But invariably however hard I try, I can’t force things and the busy-ness of the month coupled with another few days of illness meaning I wasn’t myself, have meant that I haven’t done as much as I would have liked.  But I’m learning, slowly, to try and make the most out of what I have, I’m fed up of feeling fed up. Can I do what I love as a job? Maybe eventually, when I work out what that is, but not yet. Therefore I have to do what makes me happy and find something in what I have to do that I can at least enjoy, keeping all the options open. Things happen for a reason and when the time is right.

‘Love your life. Celebrate and embrace each moment because no-one else can do it for you’ 
Donald Duck

‘Put your faith in what you believe in.’

During the flashes of inspiration and positivity, I just wish I could bottle it up and store it, to use for the not so good moments, to give the little push that I need. The buzz that other things, even something such as a television show can give you, make you think, open your mind, make you wonder why you didn’t think like that before. So I may not have been writing as much as I would have liked over the last few weeks, but I’ve learnt that ‘creative time’ is not just about writing, but crafting too, and whether ideas or actual things, can all help to build the right mood. And I have enjoyed getting back into craft again, it’s good to have lots of different things that you enjoy doing, to help free the mind and prevent suffocation. Sitting in the library one lunch time. I was inspired by some students around me, working hard and I had a productive break. Whilst I sometimes long for those days again, I know I have to move on, look to the future and where I am now. But I was glad to be inspired and it was a good place to sit and write and even catch some ideas. 

I’ve started a short story idea that I’m hoping to use for two competitions, so looking forward to seeing where it goes and that I get it finished on time, especially given my lack of enthusiasm for writing recently. Saying that, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything other than my novel (and a few columns) so it has been refreshing and I hope (when I get back into the swing of things) that it will break down the small wall that I seem to have hit on my novel. It’s been a busy time of year all round and I’ve struggled some days to have the time as well as inclination to write. But then looking back has been useful here too. I can see that actually I have achieved things over the last year, some of which I’ve forgotten about, particularly writing so reason to celebrate and I’m looking forward and planning for the next 12 months. Did I give myself an unrealistic deadline by which to get my first draft done (by the end of this month). Probably, but I don’t really know. Sometimes you  just can’t tell what the future will throw at you.  So, have plenty to think about and work on for the year ahead, and I’m looking forward to it!

‘The pursuit of awesome’

Back where I need to be... finding my place...

‘A moment to dream….’

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