Monday, 26 September 2016

September 2016- Finding my own way

‘Just like the moons and like suns
With the certainty of tides
Just like hopes springing high
Still I’ll rise.’       

Maya Angelou

After quite a few days off, I felt like I’d lost my way a bit, especially after the flurry following the return from Cornwall, and that has continued in fits and starts for the rest of the last few weeks. But by typing up what I’ve done whilst away and since coming back, as well as using some of my photos, put up where I can see them, I am feeling better and slowly getting back into it. Although it was good to have a break, I do have a life outside writing after all, I just have to be careful not to leave it too long! And there was a huge positive in getting all the scribbles down into one place, as I found that I’d written around 7,500 words over the weeks since the holiday, and have to say I was both amazed and pleased by what I’d achieved in a relatively short space of time and around everything else. Some more has been written since, but yet to be added to the total of over 40,000 words and over 100 pages so well on the way now. But realising what I’m capable of has spurred me on; I just need to take the time to remind myself.

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how I feel when I don’t write. And for most of the time, I spend it hating myself and thinking I’m some kind of failure. But I’m not, I’m just normal. So, they say to be a proper writer you have to write everyday. But the contradiction is to break all the rules. So just what is right? It’s all so confusing. But what I do know, and it’s taken me a lot of beating up to get here, is that you can’t do anything if you’re head isn’t in the right place. Yes I had a good flurry after holiday, and maybe not so much this month, but that will come back, when I’m in the right place, and that means being back in my normal routine. As much as I go on about not being happy at work (and that hasn’t changed much, for the record), I need that routine, having a set time to write to help me. The few days off at the start of the month were good and not wasted, a column and a blog were written, lots of jobs done that I had neglected and the post- holiday scribbles were typed up. So I would say a good use of the time. The rest will come later and I have to remember that. Maybe it becomes easier in time, as you become a more seasoned writer, and getting a novel written is like second nature, but for now I’m still starting out, still learning and I have to learn to do things my way, find my own voice and way of writing. So I will continue to listen to all the advice I’m given or read, take it all on board, but interpret it to suit me, not let it define the writer I want to be. Otherwise I will be forever trapped .I’m fed up of feeling guilty.

And there are small things that I find help along the way. Like carrying a notebook with me at all times. So, I may not write in it, but at least it’s there, just in case. Or carrying my two novel notebooks, crammed full of ideas and the workings. But then I find that I can just write, not looking back, but like a comfort blanket, I carry it anyway. Eventually I will need it to refer back to, when I’m in a dip, so I always have something to bring me back out, full of so many ideas, I wonder where I’m going to fit them all in! When I’m feeling a little low, I quite often take myself off to the closest bookshop, maybe buy a new book (although have to try not to get carried away), but just to be surrounded by them, look at them, pick them up, it makes me feel better.

 Have I found a place that enables me to write better? No. One day it could be the bookshop, the next I could just be sitting outside in the sunshine. But the opposite can also happen, and however hard I try, I can’t do what I want to do. A little something is better than nothing. Notes for this blog post, ideas for future stories and columns, it’s still writing. I have to write all the time don’t I, isn’t that what they say? So anything I do isn’t good enough, but who are these people that judge me, to tell me the writer I have to be? They are the ones that cause me to feel so anxious, like a coiled spring when nothing comes. When I spend time I should be writing doing something else. They’ve made me into someone I don’t want to be. I want to know It’s okay to have those days, when all you want to do is sit in front of the TV and watch back to back episodes of ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ or go out shopping, spend some time with friends and family. Even the best intentions don’t always come to fruition, however hard you try, life gets in the way sometimes. The mood is wrong, or nothing wants to jump on the page. I need to not measure what I do each day against what has gone before, every day is different, I am different. I’m striving to do the best possible job that I can do, and I’m like that with both aspects of my life. Is that what could possibly be what could undo my writing, causing the blocks I put up in front of me, that I don’t feel I’m doing a good enough job? The reason that I let myself get bogged down in the feeling of guilt, of not writing. Am I too neat and ordered to be a proper writer? Liking everything just so, no mess and not much clutter, can it have a negative effect? I have so many questions buzzing around and I don’t have any answers. I end up scribbling when I least expect it, when I’m feeling wound up, that I can’t write, and then one small thing, that when you look back you can’t even remember what it was, sparks something inside and a paragraph and then a couple of pages are written, seemingly from nowhere. So maybe I’m just thinking too much, but I’m learning a lot about myself.

I need to stop letting things define who I am. I’ve spent too long thinking I’m doing the right thing, following what I think I should be doing. But it’s not me. I have a tendency to think I’m not good enough, so I hide instead. But I need to stop thinking the worst of myself and start being me, in my own time. I need to start doing things because I want to, not because I think I should. Following on from that, I’ve been wrestling with the decision to carry on with something that I feel I’m not getting what I need out of anymore. Feeling sad on one hand as the only group that I know of in the local area, but it’s not what I feel I need, and not helping me in my own journey. But still not an easy decision to make. Friendships and ideas, but along with the frustration. I need to ask myself what I want from the other members, am I as much to blame? I need to start giving back in order to help myself. I learnt a lot about myself at the first meeting back of the new term, my feelings before I got there and how they had changed towards the end. Realising that I need to be more open. What is being read won’t always be my thing, but I have to see past that to critique properly and ask for what I want in return for the pieces that I take along. It’s about helping each other with our works in progress. So I need to work on when I lose interest, therefore not hearing properly and not being able to make any comments, be less selfish! That’s not to say that I won’t look into the possibility of other groups, but I may just get some new ideas, not ready to give up just yet!

It was commented on recently that I can spend too long on social media, tagging and posting. And yes, I suppose they are right and it could be bad in some respect, the constant distraction from both work and writing, of feeling that I have to share with everyone what I’m thinking and doing. But something else it also does for me is inspire. I know that may sound a little weird, but it’s true. By following other authors and writers, people who work in publishing, I find the posts, articles etc. help me. I can retreat into another world, and I instantly feel better about things until I have to come back to reality that is! That said, once I do, I can then sometimes focus more on what I need to do, and I’m always grateful if that means writing.

For all my good intentions and helpful purchases, I’m still no closer to actually sitting down and planning out my novel. I’ve tried and then promptly ignored, not looking at it again for weeks on end. And I keep telling myself that I need to do things ‘properly’ and yet it doesn’t seem enough to prompt me into any sort of action. Does that mean my novel will ever get finished, if I can’t always see it clearly, to the finest detail what’s going to happen? Sometimes I think no, and then the inspiration sparks once more and I’m off, scribbling for pages, writing whatever comes into my head. At the moment it feels like it may never end. I have done quite a bit (as I mentioned before, not going to sniff at over 40,000 words), but currently in no particular order and I still feel I have so much to tell, it’s tiring yet so exhilarating. And that’s what a first draft is about right? I’ve booked onto a writing retreat next year with two fabulous authors, which gives me a second deadline to get that all important first draft done, if I miss my original deadline, but then nothings set in stone. Bu I also have the extra motivation, as I want so much to learn from others and get the feedback on what I’m doing, whether it be right or wrong, or just my own way. I keep forgetting that over 6 months ago someone else already said that they liked what I had to say and want to see the finished novel, but more help along the way can’t be a bad thing. Plus the space away from everything else, even if only for a couple of days is what I’ve been craving, to help me really focus. So March 2017, you are the finishing line for the first draft, but all in the right order! Best get going then…..

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