A good writing start to the month,
carrying on from where I left off. I seem to have got into a regular routine
now of writing each lunch time and two nights a week, and am certainly feeling
much better for it! Of course there are still days where I struggle and the
mojo seems to be lacking, and although I want to write, I find I can’t do as
much as I would like. But pushing through and trying to keep busy on those
days, and thankfully at the moment, they are in the minority. I looked at my
final published blog post and it had the largest number of views since I
started doing it. This does make me feel that maybe it is still worth doing,
given other comments received too. But from when I feel ready again, I will
type up in word and then copy across, just to be on the safe side!
I’ve entered four free
competitions within the last couple of months and am quite proud of myself!
It’s been good to have other smaller projects besides the main one (novel) and
has actually helped me refocus on that since submitting all my entries. Sat
down and went through all my notebooks too, to see what was finished and what
wasn’t, may be some future entries there, who knows? It will be interesting to
see what happens with them as and when I pick them up again. And so, to wait and see now with the ones
that I have submitted. I mentioned last month that I found out I’d been
shortlisted for the CSMA competition and although I’ve since been informed that
I didn’t win, all the shortlisted entries have now been published so still
amazing coverage for me as a writer and just the opportunity of having been
shortlisted in the first place. It’s certainly boosted my confidence in my
writing. Still waiting to hear from the Writers Group one, but should know by
the middle of March, and this also goes for the Writers and Artists Yearbook.
The Mogford prize doesn’t close until the start of March, so just keeping my
fingers crossed! For that entry, I ended up writing more than the word count,
so a good exercise in editing and getting it right (as with all my submissions)
before sending it in. Something else I also had a go at was the #SouthBankStory
Twitter competition- where you only had the 140 characters in a tweet to create
a story about the area. Although I didn’t win from any of the ten that I
submitted, I had great fun with them and has been even more exciting to finally
have visited and seen places for myself, but more on that later!
Writer’s group meetings have been
positive as always. The first of the month I chose to read two poems. Having
not written much poetry for a while, these weren’t new, but I also hadn’t read
them before at a meeting. Constructive and positive feedback for both, so
things I can work on in the future.
Finally, I am getting what I need from the group so I just hope this
continues. Think it’s important that I don’t forget where I started with my
writing and continue to write poems as the mood suits. As with my unfinished
short stories, I also went through my poems and there is plenty of both to fall
back on and complete. It was a good exercise too, interesting to see how many
I’ve started and forgotten about! Love the scribbling of ideas too, that they
really can come at any time and from the most random of things. I must start
being more aware of what’s around me, not just the physical, but the snippets
of conversation too. (Something else to work on!) Our second meeting of the
month was a workshop on self-publishing using Lulu. It was very informative and
not something that I know a great deal about, so it is certainly something to
consider for whenever I get there!
But the biggest thing for this
month has to be preparing for Discovery Day. Having put my novel aside for
quite a while, picking it back up again has certainly been an interesting
experience. Obviously I’d already started again on this last month, but things
have been continuing. Although most of the advice that I’ve heard cites that
you should finish a first draft before looking at editing, I’ve found that by
going back over what I’d already done and marking up what could be changed has
been really beneficial in moving forward with it. I’m continually amazed at all
the new ideas and directions that I’ve come up with so far, and how much of the
story has changed and evolved since I started it. I’m excited to see what
happens next! So far a majority of the characters names have changed, and
whereas originally I set the story in real locations, these have now been given
fictional names which will allow me more artistic license when creating various
settings. And I’ve been working on a
prologue, the first page of chapter 1 and notes for my pitch etc. wanting to make
sure I got everything right, so it’s been a busy time!
As for the day itself, it was
amazing and inspiring. Started the day in Southbank, walking along the river
and taking in the atmosphere. Having never been there and written tweets for
the competition, it was lovely to see it all properly, and I will definitely go
back! Enjoyed a coffee and something to eat at the BFI after perusing the book
market- got an uncollected poems by John Betjeman for a bargain price, and they
are not easy to come by! A quick look in Foyle’s there, and some writing and
more poetry books! Then it was off to the main Foyle’s shop for the big event.
We were, of course, a little early, so wandered round looking at things and
bought a couple more books (well it would be rude not too!) and then we joined
the queue to see an agent. The lady I
saw, Sheila, was lovely and said I had a fluid voice and to keep writing. She
liked the intrigue in my first pages and the fact that she didn’t yet know how
the two characters were linked. She told me to go away and finish it, polish it
and then send in to either her or another agent, Rebecca- amazing!!! The next
part of the day involved a ‘surgery session’ where we had the opportunity to
ask another agent questions about getting published, the industry etc. The last
part was a panel session with Emma Healey (author) and her agent and publisher.
Such an interesting day, and lots to take away and think about now. Just need
to get on with writing now! I just can’t stress how much the whole day meant,
and I finally felt like I belonged.
I’ve been thinking a lot recently
about my novel and why I’m writing it. The basics of it is that I wanted to
write the type of book that I like to read, and am inspired by. But I also feel
that I need to read more. Not necessarily to write in a different genre but to
open my mind and to help improve my writing- looking at how and why these books
work, it’s all part of learning the craft. With that in mind I have joined a book
club online- ‘Poppy Loves Book Club. I’ve already taken part in my first
meeting, discussing ‘A Year of Marvellous Ways. I wanted to read this book for
research anyway (set in Cornwall), but I really enjoyed the experience- sharing
thoughts and ideas and putting forward questions for the author, one of mine
even got answered! I’m already looking forward to future meetings and the
chance to read a variety of books, outside my comfort zone.
Lent started this month and
instead of giving something up, me and Emma decided to take something up
instead, and that was our ‘QuickFic Challenge.’ Using prompts from past
competitions as well as other pictures we’ve found online, we give each other a
prompt each day and then we have to write at least 250 words. It’s been really
beneficial and I love the regular writing, then helping to get into the right
frame of mind to work on other things. It will be interesting at the end to
look over how we’ve interpreted each picture and who knows, maybe some new
projects to work and expand on?!
So a busy and very positive month,
looking forward to seeing what the future will bring!
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