Tuesday, 30 June 2015

June 2015

When I had a very slow start to the month, I thought that was a sign of how the rest of the time would go, but oh how wrong I was (glad to say!) Lots of notes for this months blog, so here goes...

Like I said, a slow start, with a good day when I wrote more on my Cornwall story, followed by not much at all for a couple of frustrating days. I had an idea for the start of a new story, but then felt that my vision was obscured and I got upset and very frustrated at feeling that I was not able to write anything, almost trying to hard and then not liking the result. It really showed me that you can't write every day if it isn't there, but that its okay, and I shouldn't beat myself up for it (although easier said than done!). Thankfully that didn't last for the whole month. Real life does though have a habit of getting in the way, or is it that I let it? I always seem to be making excuses not to write, instead of using life to help me write. I don't seem to have time at the weekends to do much, there are always jobs to do around the house, and places to visit, things that I can't do in the week (when I'm at work). That's why it's more important that I use the lunch breaks and free evenings as much as I can (and am getting better at making more time.) Saying that, a lot of this month has also been taken up with singing- extra rehearsals and a concert as well as meeting up with various people. It hasn't left as much time as I would have liked despite my best efforts, but I have to just accept that its the way things go sometimes, as long as I don't use it as too much of an excuse!

Started on a few new story ideas ( 3 in one week, got to be a first!) Funny how the thoughts come at random times, and then I'm in a hurry to remember them before I scribble them down somewhere. Mostly things pop into my head when I'm driving or in the shower, but usually when I've just turned off my light to go to sleep, annoyingly! Saying that, better to get something down rather than being kept awake by the words swimming round in my head. You just have to go with it when the inspiration hits. Its given me lots to keep busy with, and hopefully not feel too stuck on just one thing. Sometimes it can just be a small idea, a sentence or two, or maybe a paragraph, but its all good as once that seed is sown, who knows how it will grow, and at least I'm writing.

Managed to get to one Writers Group meeting this month, but came away feeling very inspired, as always. Decided to read this time as I haven't done in a while and so glad I did. Not only did it show that I was feeling a bit more confident in my writing, but it also gave me lots of positive feedback and thoughts as to what I do next. Looking over my Cornwall story, there are lots of new parts I've written, expanding on the original story, so its now a case to trying to fit things in, and that is much easier said than done. The story in its current state is so different from my original plan, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I just need to put it all together and see where it is going before I get lost. Is it a novel?? I'm still not sure. I don't know if I have that many words in me. But I will keep writing until I feel it is finished, however long that takes, but not put the pressure on myself that it has to be a novel. I think that's the best way to be, and then I can be pleasantly surprised by the end result!

I've also started thinking and reviewing all the the many stories that I have seem to have started, but not a lot are finished! Where are they going and how long will they be? Logically, I believe they will be short stories so now I need to decide what to include and what to leave out, and actually finish one or two! That is going to be my project and aim for the next month, so the next time that I write this, I can say that I finally have some finished work (as well as other things to read at Writers Group), so wish me luck!! I've just bought a Short Story Handbook, so hopefully that will set me going in the right direction and give me lots of useful tips. I've also given in to the latest craze and bought a couple of the adult colouring books, so hope they prove to be helpful rather than just another distraction! Bought quite a few new novels too, just can't resist a new book! Plenty on the to be read pile now....

I've been trying to read a variety of authors and styles, as well as subject in order to keep my mind open and opinions broad. I'm also a strong believer that you need to read a lot in order to become a better writer, or so I keep telling myself anyway! I can read a book and feel inspired too, often gathering ideas from what I've read, so its never a waste of time in my eyes. And I'm trying my hand at writing reviews of books on the Goodreads website, to pass onto others as well as determine what it is about a book that's inspired me.  I've tried to find other things too that I hope will help to inspire me. I've signed up to two more Future Learn courses, both starting in September. One is about Wordsworth, which will give me an insight into the mind of  a well loved poet  and his words as well as hopefully get me writing more poetry as that as fallen by the wayside since I got more involved in my many stories. The other course is all about mindfulness, the plan being that it will get me thinking better and more positively about my life, including my writing (as well as giving me more information for a story that I've started).

So as another month draws to a close, I have lots to think about and work on, Another column has been written and submitted (to come out next week), with a few future ideas already scribbled down. (At least that is a piece that I can finish!) I look forward to sharing more of my writing journey with in a few weeks time.....

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