Sunday, 30 September 2018

September 2018- New Term, new words

Sometimes I wonder if I've run out of things to say here, but as I type I find things come to mind and I always seem to end up with a good amount of words. And I suppose as my journey is still far from over, there will always be something to tell, to share.

And so it is with my writing generally. I started the month as I meant to go on, typing up my novel in an attempt to catch up with myself. And a worthwhile task too in that rereading parts that I’d somehow forgotten about and liking what I’ve done which in itself was a good confidence boost, as well as making sure I didn’t re write parts I’ve already done! Lunch breaks during the week are my allocated time to dedicate to my writing and I stick to this as much as I can. But I’ve also been trying to find time at the weekends too to write, as it often gets left, or at the bottom of a long list of jobs. But I’m trying very hard not to beat myself up when it doesn’t happen, sometimes the time runs away, the other jobs mount up, just life really.

But saying that, it has been a good month overall. I pick up my pencil and continue writing from where I’ve left off, whilst thinking of new ideas, parts to work on as I do so. Another notebook finished and as much as I want to keep scribbling, I know I have to focus on typing for a number of weeks in a bid to see where I am and not get lost in it all. There is a limit to how many notebooks I can carry too on a daily basis, three seems a little excessive! And I’m glad that I kept to my little goal, the notebook is finished and I’ve made a start on the one previous to the one that I’m currently writing in, so it’s still a work in progress!

The latest word count (typed)is 14475 for the month, totally around 147000 on my first draft, with still more to go. Far too long I know, but as I scribble and type, the ideas are fully forming in front of me on the page, and I can always edit later. I feel in some ways that I’ve begun my story again without realising, as I keep building on my ideas and I can see it all there. There will be a lot of editing whenever I do get to the end, I know that and I’m prepared for it. My only worry if you like is when do you stop? That’s what I’m struggling with and when I can feel most lost, like I will never get there. But I try to keep having faith and moving forwards. It’s all I can do.